Invisalign London

Looking teeth straightening in London?Invisalign offers a virtually undetectable aligner solution.

Invisalign London - The Dental Centre

Why Have Invisalign™ in London?

One of the main reasons that adults don’t like having braces is because they are so obvious, not many people are prepared to have traditional metal train track braces as an adult.

This is where Invisalign offers you an alternative teeth straightening option and is completely wireless.

In the image to the left, it’s difficult to believe that the woman in the foreground is actually wearing braces!

But it’s true, Invisalign London is an almost completely imperceptible, clear and effective teeth straightening treatment.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign in London consists of a series of clear aligners. Each aligner puts a small amount of pressure on your teeth in the desired direction and moves them just a little bit towards their final destination to straighten your teeth.

Every two weeks you will replace your aligner with the new one which will continue this process.

The typical Invisalign London treatment takes approximately 18 months to 2 years to complete.

Invisalign London - The Dental Centre

Why should you consider teeth straightening in London?

Did you know that straight teeth are also healthier teeth? One of the hardest to reach areas to clean teeth is in between, yet this is exactly where you need to clean every day as this is where the bacteria lurk.

These bacteria feed on sugar in your food so it is vital that you clean in between the teeth every single day, preferably using a floss. The problem if your teeth are crooked is that it’s difficult to get floss between them and much easier if they are straight.

So not only do straight teeth look better they are actually easier to keep clean too.

How Does Invisalign London Work So Well?

Invisalign London works so well due to a number of factors:

At the beginning of your Invisalign treatment in London, you will undergo a Clincheck©.

Impressions of your teeth will be sent off to the Invisalign London centre where they will be digitised. We will then receive back a video showing your teeth before and after treatment.

This video will actually show your teeth moving on the screen.

Here’s an example of what this Clincheck© process looks like.

Once you’ve received them from our dentist in London, you will need to wear your Invisalign clear braces for at least 20 hours per day, removing them only to eat and clean your teeth. So long as you follow this teeth straightening process and stick to your treatment plan you will see amazing results within the time originally agreed.

Invisalign Finance Options

In order to help make Invisalign as affordable as possible we are able to offer interest-free finance for Invisalign in London.

When you come in for your initial consultation please let your clinician no that you would like to pay using our 0% finance option, we can then arrange this for you as an affordable monthly payment.

For more information about the cost of Invisalign, please visit our fees page.

Invisalign Vs. Conventional Metal Braces

Let's Compare Invisalign™ Metal Braces
How does it work?
Invisalign uses a series of clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth without wires or brackets.
Fixed braces use wires and brackets to move your teeth into straighter alignment.
Nearly invisible
No. Most fixed braces are noticeable.
Removable during treatment
No. You cannot remove fixed braces until treatment is completed.
Treatment doesn't involve metal that can irritate teeth and gums
No. The metal wires and brackets used can cause mouth irritation.
Allows you to brush and floss normally during treatment
No. Fixed metal braces hinder the ability to reach the entire tooth/gum area when flossing.
Provides a clear defined and virtual treatment plan from the start to completion of treatment
Although your dental practitioner has a clear defined treatment plan, you will not be able to see what your teeth may look like during and after treatment.

How Would Invisalign in London Effect Your Smile?

Just take a few moments to imagine now how much better you might feel with straighter teeth, an increasing confidence is often a primary reason people go ahead with orthodontic treatment, and that’s exactly what Invisalign London provides.

Added to this the advantages of being able to keep your teeth cleaner when they are straighter means that teeth straightening is an extremely valid and important part of modern cosmetic dentistry and dental health.

Teeth Straightening treatment in London - The Dental Centre


Frequently Asked Questions

How much will Invisalign London cost?

The cost of Invisalign treatment can be anywhere between £1,500 and £5,500 and varies depending on:

  • How much preliminary work is required before treatment
  • Your location
  • How many visits you’ll need to pay your dentist

Here at The Dental Centre, we have been providing Invisalign in London for many years and like to assess each case individually, offering a tailored solution for all patients.

For a better idea of the costs involved, we recommend booking a consultation at our clinic on Euston Road so we can examine your teeth and take x-rays.

From here, we can then give you a fair price – all-inclusive of the necessary impressions, records, radiographs, clear aligners, retainers, and any refinements needed.

If your finances are preventing you from getting Invisalign in London, don’t panic. We provide a 0% finance option to allow you to straighten your teeth in affordable monthly payments.

To find out more, either call 020 7380 0034, visit our dental practice or request an appointment online.

How can you prepare for treatment?

If you’re looking to straighten your teeth, our Invisalign treatment in London could be perfect.

Instead of wearing fixed braces that have unsightly metal wires and brackets, we use clear aligners that apply a constant amount of pressure to your teeth. These must be worn for at least 22 hours a day and only be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

An ideal candidate must have healthy gums and teeth to ensure optimal results. And to verify this, we provide an extensive oral health assessment.

During this appointment, our clinician will take x-rays and impressions of your mouth to establish what issues need to be addressed.

If you have any questions regarding the procedure or price of Invisalign in London, don’t hesitate to ask our dental team. We will happily provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision as to whether it’s the right treatment for you.

How can your dentist work out if you are suitable for Invisalign?

Most people know that Invisalign is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that’s much less intrusive than traditional braces. But the question is, who is it for?

Whilst our Invisalign in London can be a fantastic option for adults and teens who are looking to enhance their smile, it’s in your best interests to book in for a smile assessment.

This way, we can evaluate the condition of your teeth and discuss what you’re looking to achieve – before advising you on whether or not you’re a suitable candidate for our Invisalign treatment in London. If you are, we will then outline the costs involved and the finance options we provide to help spread the cost out over a fixed term.

How long does Invisalign take?

The simple answer is it depends on the complexity of your dental issue, how often you wear your aligners, and your oral hygiene.

Whilst some patients may notice visible results within as little as 6 months, the average treatment time for Invisalign is 12-18 months.

At The Dental Centre, we have specialised in Invisalign in London for long enough to appreciate that no two cases are the same, so we will always consider your specific needs before offering a time estimation. 

What are the downsides/side effects of Invisalign?

Here at The Dental Centre, we highly recommend Invisalign in London for those who don’t like the idea of wearing a fixed brace but wish to realign their teeth.

The plastic trays are virtually invisible and custom-made to fit your teeth. Others may not even realise that you’re wearing them!

However, the aligners move one tooth at a time so, it’s crucial that you wear your Invisalign as much as possible – removing for eating, drinking, and cleaning only.

If wearing and switching your aligners doesn’t work for you, there are other teeth straightening options. Take traditional braces, for instance. Although these may work faster than Invisalign, excellent oral hygiene is a must.

Our specialists are always on hand and will be more than happy to talk you through the available options and help you to decide if our Invisalign in London is ideal for you.

Will it hurt?

No – we can assure you that we take all the necessary measures to ensure that your Invisalign treatment in London is as painless and comfortable as possible.

As with any orthodontic treatment, the clear aligners will put constant yet steady pressure on your teeth.

Although you may experience some discomfort while your teeth adjust to your new aligners, this usually subsides within a few days. If the soreness doesn’t improve, try taking over-the-counter pain relief and speak with your dentist.

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